The Marvels, the upcoming sequel to Captain Marvel, is set to hit theaters on November 10, 2023. The film will see Brie Larson reprise her role as Carol Danvers, alongside Teyonah Parris as Monica Rambeau and Iman Vellani as Kamala Khan / Ms. Marvel.
The film is directed by Nia DaCosta, who previously directed the critically-acclaimed horror film Candyman. The screenplay is written by Megan McDonnell, who also wrote for the Disney+ series WandaVision.
The Marvels is expected to be a major crossover event for the MCU, bringing together three of the franchise’s most powerful female superheroes. The film is also set to explore the origins of Kamala Khan, who is one of the most popular new characters to emerge from the MCU in recent years.
With its star-studded cast, talented director, and exciting storyline, The Marvels is shaping up to be one of the most anticipated films of 2023.
Here are some additional details about the film:
The Marvels is sure to be a must-see for fans of the MCU. With its all-star cast, talented director, and exciting storyline, the film is poised to be one of the biggest hits of 2023.